Spot a Fake Online Review
By Yohana Desta Shopping online can be a tricky thing to navigate, which is why online reviews come in handy. The comment sections where people write their honest opinions of a product, restaurant or hotel are helpful resources for figuring out whether or not something is...
Read MoreMake Your Site Disability-Friendly
BY YOHANA DESTA The Internet isn't always "one size fits all." Every day, inaccessible web design prevents billions of people in the disabled community from an easy online experience. For those with visual impairments, learning difficulties, hearing loss and more, there are dozens of unique challenges waiting...
Read MoreA picture is worth 1000 words
Images are often neglected on blogs and social media (with the exception of instagram). A Photo can be used to tell a story very quickly. They can be intriguing, stir emotions, even offend, but ultimately...
Read MoreMost profitable 6 weeks of the year
Most musicians do not know there is a special six-week window of opportunity once every year that can easily be taken advantage of with the right steps. Unfortunately, this tends to be the norm for most independent musicians. Many are not aware of this fact and/or don’t give...
Read MoreGuide to YouTube
The Beginner's Guide to YouTube By Eric Larson YouTube's been around for a while — you've probably heard of it. The video-sharing site went live in 2005, and has since become the go-to medium for uploading footage on the web. More than one hour of video is uploaded...
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